Candido Martins’ lawyers want to share their experiences. For this reason, some initiatives have been created to provide this sharing, such as the CM Book Club, CM Women and CM Newsletter. It is a collaborative office in which each lawyer can express him/herself in a way that he/she agrees on each of these initiatives.
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The resilience of agribusiness in the face of the crisis encouraged CRA operations in 2020. According to the consultancy Uqbar, there was a 28% increase compared to 2019. For our…
At the end of 2020, the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ) decided that the Federal Government can charge IRRF on remittances made by Brazilian companies to pay for expenses…
The pandemic fueled families' interest in succession planning. In recent months, some taxpayers have managed to bar the collection of tax on the transmission of cause of death and donation…
Despite negative expectations as a result of the crisis generated by covid-19, M&A transactions grew in Brazil in 2020 compared to previous years, as shown by a PWC study on…
The Legal Framework for Startups aims to reduce the bureaucracy of processes and incentives for innovation in Brazil. At Minuto CM, our associate Mateus Lopes da Silva Leite, explains what…
2020 ended without the long-awaited tax reform. And, it seems, we still have a long way to go until a consensus is reached on legislative changes by simplifying the Brazilian…
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