Candido Martins’ lawyers want to share their experiences. For this reason, some initiatives have been created to provide this sharing, such as the CM Book Club, CM Women and CM Newsletter. It is a collaborative office in which each lawyer can express him/herself in a way that he/she agrees on each of these initiatives.
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On TV, on fintwit, in meetings and conversations with friends, all people are talking about the tax reform, which is no surprise considering the democratic impact that the change will…
Our partner Alamy Candido was interviewed by Folha de S.Paulo newspaper about the changes that the Tax Reform brought to Income Tax. According to him, in order for the expected…
In an interview to Suno, our partner Alamy Candido commented on the changes in the income tax (IR) for financial investments that may stimulate day trade operations. For Alamy Candido,…
On May 31, a little more than 34 million income tax returns were filed, according to a report by the Brazilian Federal Tax Authority. A growth of approximately 7% compared…
Em entrevista ao JOTA sobre os impactos da decisão do STF sobre a exclusão do ICMS das bases e cálculo do PIS/COFINS, nossa sócia Tatiana Del Giudice Cappa Chiaradia afirmou que a…
In an interview with Legislação & Mercados, our partner Tatiana Del Giudice Cappa Chiaradia commented on the STF’s decision on the judgment of exclusion of the ICMS from the PIS/Cofins…
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One of the firm’s initiatives is to encourage lawyers to write articles for the monthly newsletter. The subject is free, but it needs to be something current and that stimulates…
One of the most intriguing aspects of a negotiation is the “anchoring effect”, which is the perception that the first proposal, however arbitrary, will serve as an “anchor” for the…
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