Candido Martins Advogados

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Candido Martins’ lawyers want to share their experiences. For this reason, some initiatives have been created to provide this sharing, such as the CM Book Club, CM Women and CM Newsletter. It is a collaborative office in which each lawyer can express him/herself in a way that he/she agrees on each of these initiatives.

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UOL – Universo Online published an article about the importance of estate and succession planning to offer more tranquility in case of inheritance sharing. Our partner Alamy Candido explains how…


Did you know that the new government proposal may consider certain payments made by small and medium-sized companies to their partners as disguised profit distribution? Our lawyer, Júlia Vituli, gave…


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The perspective of using FIPs as an investment vehicle The discussion about how far the limit of fiscal planning and approval by tax authorities goes is always a controversial issue.…


The year has just begun, and taxpayers are already anxious about the cases pending judgment by the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF). And the curious thing is that the views of…

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