Candido Martins Advogados

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Candido Martins’ lawyers want to share their experiences. For this reason, some initiatives have been created to provide this sharing, such as the CM Book Club, CM Women and CM Newsletter. It is a collaborative office in which each lawyer can express him/herself in a way that he/she agrees on each of these initiatives.

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Candido Martins lawyers Júlia Vituli and Maria Paula Carvalho Molinar write an article published today in Valor Econômico. The theme is about the Tax on Transmission of Real Estate (ITBI)…


The requirement of ICMS tax differential (DIFAL) in interstate operations destined for final consumers has always been the subject of doubts and discussions. The matter is complex. The agreements published…


This week’s edition of ISTOÉ Dinheiro brings an article with the participation of our lawyer Raphael Pires. The specialist explained the CVM case, which suspended the decision about a real…


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