Candido Martins’ lawyers want to share their experiences. For this reason, some initiatives have been created to provide this sharing, such as the CM Book Club, CM Women and CM Newsletter. It is a collaborative office in which each lawyer can express him/herself in a way that he/she agrees on each of these initiatives.
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Candido Martins’ expansion to Madrid was highlighted in a Latin Lawyer article. The renowned British publication stated that with this step, the firm becomes one of the few Brazilian firms…
Our office has just announced the expansion of its operations to Madrid, capital of Spain. The intention is to expand and intensify contacts with private equity funds, potential clients in…
Our partner Tatiana Del Giudice Cappa Chiaradia participated in an article published in Valor Pro, an exclusive channel for Valor Econômico subscribers. She commented on the recent decision of the…
Check out the participation of our partner Mateus Lopes da Silva Leite, in E-Investidor’s article about the possibility of the restatization of Eletrobras. The Office of the Union’s General Counsel…
In an article published in the Consultor Jurídico magazine (ConJur), our partner Tatiana Del Giudice Cappa Chiaradia commented on the judgment handed down by the Federal Supreme Court on February…
At the end of the month of December, the bill that regulates companies operating in the crypto market in Brazil (PL 4,401/21) was enacted into law by the President, without…
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On August 26, 2021, Provisional Measure No. 1.040/2021 was sanctioned and converted into Law No. 14.195/2021. Commonly referred to as the Business Environment Law, it established several mechanisms with the…
When the Federal Supreme Court (STF) finally concluded the judgment of the so-called “thesis of the century” (ICMS (state tax) exclusion from the PIS/COFINS (revenue tax) calculation basis) celebrations were…
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