Candido Martins Advogados

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Our lawyer Felipe Lebovits Barreto had an article published in Valor Econômico


Our lawyer Felipe Lebovits Barreto has had an article published in Valor Econômico’s Palavra do Gestor column. The text addresses the limits of the majority shareholder in Football Corporations (SAFs). Law 14.193/2021, which established SAFs in Brazilian legislation, created mechanisms to limit the actions of the majority shareholder, even though it was born with the aim of consolidating a market that only works with the “will” of the investor to contribute capital to the clubs.

“It’s natural that the transition of a club to the SAF format raises concerns and questions. The figure of the SAF’s ‘owner’, often personified, can generate insecurities about the club’s future, especially in relation to identity, culture and autonomy. But with planning, professional management, transparency and good use of the protections and mechanisms brought in by the law, SAFs can contribute to the development of Brazilian soccer, boosting clubs financially and sportingly.”

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